Prius HOV

Though I have issues with gasoline hybrids being allowed in the HOV lanes of CA, I certainly want them on my car if they're available to everybody else! Contrary to the complaints of many owners who consider these decals to be a clashing disgrace - I would (and have!) install them even if I never intended to use them. As it is, these will be used VERY infrequently, if ever. Most of the time when we drive where there are HOV lanes, we are a real carpool anyway. Until Jan 1, 2008, these stickers will allow a high-mileage hybrid driver to drive solo in the HOV lanes in CA, and cross bridges in the HOV lane as well. If driving solo, the bridge toll must still be paid (a special transponder is required - BEV and CNG cars pay no bridge toll). Here they are, in all their glory. Decal #051516. Installed and waxed.

CA DMV page about the HOV stickers.

02.14.06 bought car
02.14.06 sent HOV application
03.03.06 check cleared
03.07.06 15:17 stickers arrived!
03.07.06 15:18 stickers installed
03.07.06 15:25 Prius HOV page created.


Side. (yes this is the same car, and the same color. WAY different lighting though!)



The front and rear stickers go on the RIGHT side of each bumper as you look at them. That means the front one goes on the driver side, and the rear one goes on the passenger side. When facing the respective bumpers, this is the RIGHT side each time. Here are the official instructions. To some they seem vague, to me they're pretty clear.

What happens if the stickers are damaged and can't be removed?

Go to site and search for Form REG 1000.  As you filli out, check the box that says "Replacement Stickers-Decal #" in Section "B".

At the bottom of Section "B", tell them that the remaining stickers cannot be peeled off the car when you try to remove them.  

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